The use of is strictly limited to adults over the age of 18. By accessing any section of this site, users affirm that they are of legal age and are viewing the content of their own free will. It is strictly forbidden for any person under 18 to access this site or for any adult to facilitate, incite, or allow access by minors to this or any other website intended exclusively for adults. Such acts are considered serious criminal offenses.
Any individuals depicted in images or videos on third-party websites referenced by were over the age of 18 at the time the content was produced. is an adult entertainment directory and does not produce, host, or distribute any explicit content. Instead, we provide reviews and commentary on content hosted by third-party sites that may fall under the jurisdiction of 18 U.S.C. § 2257 record-keeping requirements.
Taboo Porn Captain and its operators are not the producers of any content found through the directory ( and do not have access to the age verification records for content hosted on third-party sites. For any concerns or requests regarding 18 U.S.C. § 2257 records, please contact the third-party website where the content is hosted. does not promote, host, or link to any illegal content. We are committed to the protection of minors and will take immediate action to remove any content reported to be inappropriate, illegal, or involving minors. If you come across any content that violates this policy, please report it to us through our contact us page, and we will ensure its removal as soon as possible.
In accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 2257(h)(2)(B)(v) and 47 U.S.C. § 230(c), retains the right to remove any material or content at its discretion, especially if it is found to be inappropriate, obscene, defamatory, vulgar, racist, or otherwise in violation of U.S. law. reserves the right to act without prior notice to the content owners if such action is deemed necessary.
Users are encouraged to contact us if they come across any inappropriate content, and we will act swiftly to address the concern.